Best Wines to Pair with Italian Food

It’s a totally different feeling when you finally get a weekend for yourself and your partner. You decide to go out on a date, picking up Italian outdoor dining would seem the best possible option to match the high notes of romance. Ready to order Italian food that perfectly compliments the charm of the night and sweet, crisp flavours of your date, aren’t you forgetting something? What about drinks that would complement your food?

It is a well known fact that nothing can compliment Italian food better than wine. But which wine would be better for which Italian food exactly? If you think you can order any wine with just any food item, well you can, but it won’t be the right choice. You can experience heaven by just understanding the appropriate pairing of wine and Italian cuisine.

Perfect Pair: Italian Food and Wine

There are textures, tastes, tannins and flavours that just go right with the perfect pair and nothing can substitute the combination. Well, you can always ask the waiter about the appropriate drink that would go with your food of choice but you can also learn the same and order like a connoisseur yourself.


One of the oldest known types of wine, one can never go wrong if they prefer to have the classic Rosé as their drink for date night. Neither the perfect red nor the perfect white, it is its own category of wine. With subtle shades of pink, the wine is light and fruity in flavor and perfectly compliments a number of food items. If you are sure about ordering Rosé, we suggest ordering Italian food with seafood, the combination tastes and presents quality.


Produced in the Chianti region of Tuscany, the wine takes its name from the region of origin. Chianti is not just one wine but includes any wine that is produced in the chianti region so you can expect variants under this name. Chianti, in general, is a very dry wine and can be best paired with red sauces. We highly recommend pairing chianti with pasta in marinara sauce but it tastes decently amazing with arrabbiata sauce as well.


Another dry wine, soave is a white wine that pairs decently with pesto sauce. This medium bodied wine compliments the earthy greenness of the herbs that are the main ingredients of the pesto sauce and honestly there is no better white wine than soave for traditional pesto.

Pinot Grigio

Also known as Pinot gris, this is another white wine that is extremely popular all over America. Initially invented in Italy, the wine got its name ‘pinot gris’ from French because of the type of grape used in its production that has grey skin. The light, refreshing wine has subtle notes of citrus, fruity flavor. It is a very lighthearted wine and is often preferred before dinner. It pairs well with salads, light pasta sauces, and even seafood, especially fish.


If you are looking for the perfect red wine with deep color, strong tannins and flavors, Barolo is the wine for you. The strong, earthy flavors and the blend of bold, exotic aroma make it the best Italian wine to pair with beef. The powerful acidic flavors exceptionally compliment densely flavored beef, steak, and even duck. Not just that, it is a perfect pairing option if you are planning to order risotto for the night.

Sauvignon Blanc

A french wine, Sauvignon Blanc surely doesn’t need much of a justification for the elegant, classy favors it has to offer. It is a light and crisp white wine that has a very unique taste from the other wite wines due to its herby flavors. Choose green to pair with this white wine as it is more savoury than other white wines, it pairs well with herbs like parsley and basil and with white meat like chicken and turkey.


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