Health Benefits of Drinking Wine

If you were planning to visit the best Italian wine bar in NYC to enjoy a glass of good quality wine, but couldn’t find a good enough excuse, we have a list of reasons that will help you.

A lot of people consider wine a better alcoholic drink than beer and scotch. There is no doubt enjoying wine is not everyone’s cup of tea. But there are a few health benefits of drinking wine that suggest everyone should consider consuming it in moderate amounts occasionally.

Full of Antioxidants

Wine, specifically red wine, is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients extremely important for the body as they protect the cells from getting damaged. This means that antioxidants have a significant role to play in preventing several heart conditions and diseases like Alzheimer's.

Resveratrol, tannin, and proanthocyanidins are some of the commonly found antioxidants in red wine. 

Promotes Heart Health

It is a well known benefit of wine. Wines are good for the heart. The high polyphenol antioxidant status of red wines make them healthy and beneficial for the heart. Researchers have found that drinking one to two glasses of wine can keep cardiovascular diseases at bay. However, they simultaneously mention that drinking alcohol in high quantities may increase the chances of getting or the severity of the health condition.

Good for Mental Health

Studies have found that people who drink wine in moderate amounts are less likely to have depression. There is an adequate amount of evidence that supports consumption of wine to alleviate stress and its symptoms. Moreover, it even has the potential to uplift the mood and can be used to wind up a bad day. But again, consuming it frequently and in higher quantities can offer opposite effects.

Reduces Blood Pressure

The antioxidants present in the wine are believed to reduce blood pressure and raise good cholesterol. There are studies that suggest wine can reduce blood pressure. But there are other studies that suggest it may not reduce the level of blood pressure in people having normal blood pressure or heart conditions.

Elevates Skin Health

Again, the antioxidants available in the drink can promote a healthier, brighter, and glowing skin. It can also prevent wrinkles and ageing of the skin. One can choose to consume or apply wine as well. Either way, it is amazing for skin. 

Improves Eyesight

Resveratrol, found in wine, is believed to be good for eyesight. Ophthalmologists suggest that the substance may have the potential to prevent age-related deterioration of the eye muscles. These conditions may be incurable and thus it is important to have a lifestyle that would prevent age related deterioration that can eventually lead to vision loss.

While it goes without saying that including healthy ingredients like carrots, that are known to enhance vision, will be extremely beneficial for better eyesight, adding a glass of wine to the routine may help as well.

Promotes Weight Loss

Wine has certain antioxidants that can support weight loss by burning more body fat for a longer duration of time. However, it is important to note that there is a difference between being overweight and obese. Wine is going to help obese people and not necessarily people who are overweight as the drink can help burn fat. Sure, burning fat will eventually reduce weight as well but for an overweight person, mass bones, water, muscles, and fat, everything contributes to their weight which may remain unaffected by wine.

Prevent Cancer

The antioxidants present in wine, primarily resveratrol, can suppress the growth of various cancer cells. From breast to liver cancer, wine can work as a protectant against cancer and reduce the growth of cancer cells in the body.


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